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สินค้า > Dead Shaft Idler Rolls > Standard Dead Shaft Idler Rolls

Ultralight Aluminum Dead Shaft Idler Rolls

Webex UltraLights are the ultimate in low-weight, high-performance aluminum idlers


Lightweight Aluminum Dead Shaft Idler Rolls

When you need an idler lighter than the standard aluminum models, but stronger than an UltraLight™, take a closer look at Webex LightWeight Alum


Aluminum Dead Shaft Idler Rolls

Weighing nearly half as much as comparable steel rollers, aluminum idlers still provide exceptional performance across a broad range of applications


FeatherLight Composite Dead Shaft Idler Rolls

These remarkable idlers are ideal for running wider, lighter weight webs at higher critical speeds. Inertia ratings are the lowest of any roller on th


Steel Dead Shaft Idler Rolls

Carbon Steel Idlers have the strength to withstand substantial loading from nips or web tension
