Webex UltraLights are the ultimate in low-weight, high-performance aluminum idlers
สินค้า > Dead Shaft Idler Rolls > Standard Dead Shaft Idler Rolls
Lightweight Aluminum Dead Shaft Idler RollsWhen you need an idler lighter than the standard aluminum models, but stronger than an UltraLight™, take a closer look at Webex LightWeight Alum |
Aluminum Dead Shaft Idler RollsWeighing nearly half as much as comparable steel rollers, aluminum idlers still provide exceptional performance across a broad range of applications |
FeatherLight Composite Dead Shaft Idler RollsThese remarkable idlers are ideal for running wider, lighter weight webs at higher critical speeds. Inertia ratings are the lowest of any roller on th |
Steel Dead Shaft Idler RollsCarbon Steel Idlers have the strength to withstand substantial loading from nips or web tension |