HY series HY-8000S / 8200S / 72D / 48D
05/12/2016 03:10
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- HY series HY-8000S / 8200S / 72D / 48D
- - Clear Digital indication
- Alarm set up (HY-8200s)
- Simple temperature set up
- Proportioning control or ON/OFF control
Suffix code
Model Code Information HY - Digital temperature controller Dimension 8000S 96 × 96 mm 8200S 96 × 96 (alarm setting general specification) 72D 72 × 72 48D 48 × 48 Control type F ON/OFF control P Proportional control Input K K thermocouple J J thermocouple R R thermocouple D RTD KPt 100 Ω P RTD Pt 100 Ω (IEC) V 1 - 5 V d.c C 4 - 20 mA d.c Control Output M Relay C Current output (4 - 20 mA d.c) S S.S.R (voltage pulse output, 12 V d.c) Alarm Output N None O High alarm (HY-8200S) Control action(Internal selection) R Reverse action (heating control) D Direct action (cooling control) Range Code Refer to the range and input code